Tuning & temperament bibliography
- A -
Aalst, Jules A. van. Chinese Music.
Statistical Dept. of the Inspectorate General of Customs, Shanghai, 1884, 106 pages.
Aanes, Brendan. "Gareth Loy's Musimathics Volumes I and II (book reviews)",
array the journal of the ICMA, 2009, pp. 100-107.
Aaron, Pietro. De institutione harmonica libri tres.
Bononiae, In aedibus Benedicti Hectoris Bibliopolae Bononiensis, 1516, 127 pages. Reprint Broude Brothers Ltd., New York, 1978.
Liber primus,
liber secundus,
liber tertius.
Also here.
Aaron, Pietro. Thoscanello
de la musica. Toscanello in musica. Impressa per Bernardino et Mattheo de Vitali, Venezia, 1523,
July 1529.
Marchio Sessa, Venezia, 1539, 1562, 82 pages.
Broude Brothers Ltd., New York, 1969.
English translation by Peter Bergquist Toscanello in musica, 3 vols., Colorado College Music Press, Colorado Springs, 1970, 157 pages.
Aaron, Pietro. Trattato
della natura et cognitione di tutti gli tuoni di canto figurato.
Bernardino Vitali, Venezia, 1525, 1531, 47 pages. Also
Aaron, Pietro. Lucidario
in musica. Girolamo Scotto, Venice, 1545, 82 pages. Arnaldo Forni Editore, Bologna, 1969. Broude Bros, New York, 1978.
Aaron, Pietro. Compendiolo di molti
dubbi. Io. Antonio da Castelliono stampatore, Milano, 1545, 38 pages.
Also here.
Abate, Ezra. "Ethiopian
Kiñit (scales). Analysis of the formation and structure of the Ethiopian scale system",
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies,
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Abbado, Michelangelo. "Terzo e quarto suono",
Rivista italiana di musicologia vol. 5, 1970, pp. 99-147.
Also here.
Abbatini, Antonio Maria. Codici contenenti diverse lezioni teorice.
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Abbatini, Antonio Maria. "Del Genere Moltiplice ch' è De le Proportioni
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Music and mathematics in late medieval and early modern Europe, Philippe Vendrix (ed.), Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, 2008, pp. 23-70.
Abdounur, Oscar João. "The
Emergence of the Idea of Irrationality In Renaissance Theoretical
Music Contexts", Music Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences vol. 3 no. 2, Mar 2015, pp. 155-172.
Also here.
Also in Culture and Cognition. Essays in Honor of Peter Damerow,
Jürgen Renn, Matthias Schemmel (eds.), workshop at Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Dec 2013.
Abdounur, Oscar João. "Mathematics and Music in Context:
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Abdounur, Oscar João. "Irrationality
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Also in Mikrotöne IV, Filmkunst-Musikverlag, München, 1993.
Abel, Volker, Peter Reiss, Rüdiger Krauße and Tobias Schlemmer. "MUTABOR - Ein computergesteuertes Musikinstrument
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"Score-Informed Analysis of Intonation and Pitch Modulation in Jazz Solos",
Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Málaga, Oct 2015, pp. 823-829.
Also in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language
Processing vol. 25 no. 1, Jan 2017, pp. 168-177.
Abraham, Gerald u.a. (ed.) Bericht über den siebenten internationalen
musikwissenschaftlichen Kongreß, Köln 1958. Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1959, 366 pages.
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Abraham, Otto. "Das absolute Tonbewußtsein und die Musik",
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Reprint in Musical transcription, Garland, New York, 1990. English translation
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Abreu, Edward Ayres de. "Sampaio Bruno: melomania tessaradecatónica", A obra e o pensamento de Sampaio Bruno,
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Porto, May 2018, pp. 159-172.
Abromont, Claude and Eugène de Montalembert. Guide de la Théorie de la Musique. Henry Lemoine, Fayard, 2001, 380 pages.
Abu Shumays, Sami. "Microtones in Arabic Music", podcast, 2007.
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Abu Shumays, Sami. "Maqam Analysis. A Primer",
Music Theory Spectrum vol. 35 no. 2, autumn 2013, pp. 235-255.
Also here.
Academia Lab. "Microtonalism",
"Música microtonal",
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Encyclopedia, WWW, 2024.
Accurso, Howard. The Decline of Unequal Temperments in the Nineteenth Century.
PhD thesis, in progress.
Acet, Rusen Can; Batuhan Basar; Tolgahan Cogulu; Atlas Cogulu; Tony Italia and Selcuk Keser.
"New Additions to the Guitar Family: Lego and Automatic Microtonal Guitars",
Musicologist vol. 6 no. 1, Trabzon University State Conservatory, June 2022, pp. 26-41.
Also here.
Achtélik, Josef. Der Naturklang als Wurzel aller Harmonien.
Eine Aesthetische Musiktheorie in Zwei Teilen.
2 vols., Verlag von C.F. Kahnt, Leipzig, 1922. Reprint Forgotten Books, Feb 2019, 234 pages.
Acker, Anne Beetem. "Claude Montal translated by Fred Sturm: The Art of Tuning: A SelfGuided Manual for
Piano Tuning, Design, Action Regulation, and Repair from mid-19th Century France: For the Piano Owner and Technician, with Guidelines for Training the
Blind and Visually impaired (book review)",
Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society vol. 41, 2015, pp. 267-270.
Adamer, Lorenz. "Plutarch's Platonic Question IX: The Trichonomy of the Soul from the
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Microtonal
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Art of forgetting-Some mechanisms of
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Microtonal Instruments: The First Steps from Utopia to Practice" (in Russian),
Instrumentalism in the history of culture, Evgenia Vladimirovna Hazdan (ed.),
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "The Concept of Microtonality: Its Origin and Background" (in Russian),
Opera musicologica vols. 3-4 nos. 8-9, St. Petersburg, 2011, pp. 114-134.
Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Microtonal Instruments:
The First Steps from Utopia to Practice" (in Russian),
Vremennik Zubovskogo Instituta vol. 7, Evgenia Vladimirovna Hazdan (ed.), Rossijskij Institut Istorii Iskusstv,
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Rosyjska
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Microtonal idea:
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Avant-garde headquarters (The Circle of Quarter-tone Music in Petrograd Conservatory)", Opera Musicologica vol. 2, 2012, pp. 80-88.
Ader, Lidia Olegovna. Mikrotonovaja muzika v Evrope i Rossii v 1900-1920e godi.
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Game of two cities: Russian microtonal contests in 1920s" (in Russian),
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Microtonal Russia:
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Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Parallel
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Kinga Krzymowska-Szaco (ed.), Lublin, 2017, pp. 157-168.
Ader, Lidia Olegovna. "Introduction to Microtonal Music",
Microtonal Music in Central and Eastern Europe: Historical Outlines and Current Practices, Leon Stefanija and Ruta Staneviciute (eds.),
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Adkins, Cecil D. The Theory and
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zu der musikalischen Gelahrtheit, theils vor alle Gelehrte, so das Band aller Wissenschaften einsehen,
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theils vor die Orgel- und Instrumentenmacher. J.D. Jungnicol,
Erfurt, 1758, 844 pages. Also here.
2nd edition, Johann Adam Hiller (ed.),
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Facs. reprint, Hans-Joachim Moser (ed.), Documenta Musicologica Bd. 4, Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1953.
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Gründlicher Unterricht von der Struktur, Gebrauch und Erhaltung [et]c.
der Orgeln, Clavicymbel, Clavichordien und anderer Instrumente ... ; Nebst zwey Tabellen und vielen Figuren.
Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel, Berlin, 1768, 205 pages.
Also here and here.
Facs. reprint, Christhard Mahrenholz, Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1930, 1961.
English translation Musical mechanics for the organist
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Österreichische Musikzeitschrift vol. 63 no. 7, July 2008, pp. 26-31.
Also here.
Aggelos, Bousmpouras. "Perceiving patterns of ratios when they are converted from
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The Languages of Western Tonality, Computational Music Science, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 67-81.
Ágnes, Ratkó. Eine
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Agustín-Aquino, Octavio Alberto; Julien Junod and Guerino Mazzola. "Towers of Counterpoint",
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Agricola, Martin. Musica instrumentalis deudsch,
ynn welcher begriffen ist, wie man nach dem Gesange auff mancherley pfeiffen lernen sol, auch wie auff die
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rechtgegründten Tabelthur sey abzusetzen. Georg Rhau, Wittemberg,
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Facs. edition, Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig, 1896.
Reprint Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 1969. Also here.
English translation A Treatise on Musical Instruments, 1529 and 1545 by
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Agricola, Martin. Musica figuralis deudsch:
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nützbarlich zu wissen, auffs einfeltigst und vorstentlichst ins Deudsche
verfasset. Georg Rhau, Wittemberg, 1532, 120 pages. Also
Agricola, Martin. Rudimenta musices,
quibus canendi artificium compendiosissime complexum, pueris una cum monochordi dimensione
traditur. Georg Rhau, Wittemberg, 1539.
Also here.
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English translation The Rudiments of Music by John Trowell, Boethius Press, Aberystwyth, July 1991, 132 pages.
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Also here.
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The Musical Quarterly vol. 33 no. 1, Jan 1947, pp. 64-89.
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American Mathematical Monthly vol. 55 no. 9, Nov 1948, pp. 545-555.
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