April 23, 2017 | Vokalprojekt 31Concert Fokker organ | 2017-04-23 - 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, AmsterdamDazzling vocal sounds This morning concert will be marked by a groundbreaking 31-tone project called Vokalprojekt 31, a small ensemble of four vocalists, which brings 31-tone music of the Renaissance and the present time and will be accompanied by the unique Fokker organ, played by our organ player Ere Lievonen. Together they will perform music in the meantone tuning and the 31-tone temperament from the Renaissance/early Baroque and the present day in a fascinating way. On the program the premiere of a brand new work by Fabio Costa, an opera in four minutes by Sander Germanus and a composition by Andreas Arend, which will be performed in this setting for the first time. Fabio Costa about this project: "I am convinced that 31-EDO will gain ever more space, once it is better understood - and heard! It is very exciting to explore this fascinating new territory, with a new tonal, harmonic language right in the 21st century. And I believe the Huygens-Fokker Foundation has a great oportunity and a leading role in agglutinating in Amsterdam what is going on in this field worldwide." Order tickets at the box office of the Muziekgebouw.
www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/Concerten/5131/_ >>>
Vokalprojekt 31 Valeria Mignaco, soprano Alfrun Schmid, alto Daan Verlaan, tenor Erks Jan Dekker, baritone Ere Lievonen, Fokker organ
Program Andreas Arend (1973) - Faictz ce que vouldras (2014) premiere
- Gagliarda seconda - Durezze et ligature (from Libro primo, 1603) Bill Coates (1917-1997) - Two fragments from Sappho: "Thus at times..." "When anger spreads..."
SupportThis concert is made possible by the support of: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Zabawas, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Van de Berch van Heemstede Stichting, Hofsteestichting and Gemeente Amsterdam (district East). Also the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (renovation Fokker organ), the SNS REAAL Fonds (renovation Fokker organ) and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors
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