Christiaan HuygensChristiaan Huygens described the 31-tone system in his Lettre touchant le cycle harmonique (Rotterdam 1691) and in Novus cyclus harmonicus (Leiden 1724). Earlier in 1661 he had already made notes in which he accomplished the following:
Engraving by Frederik Ottens based on the portrait of Edelinck for the publication by 's-Gravesande of the Opera varia (1724)
Huygens' name is invariably associated with the division of the octave into
31 equal parts. He was not the first one however to describe the 31-tone
octave division. A similar division is implicit in the works of authors such as
Nicola Vicentino (1555) and Fabio Colonna (1618), while several 17th-century
31-tone keyboards were built, all following more or less the design of
Vicentino's archicembalo. The first explicit description of the 31-tone scale,
together with string lengths, is in Lemme Rossi's Sistema musico
(1666). Huygens didn't know about any of these writings and instruments; he
only knew of the existence of Vicentino's archicembalo via
Salinas. However, it was not his intention to
provide a system with 31 tones available per octave but his main thesis was
merely that meantone tuning - the traditional tuning system - could
be described by a selection from the 31-tone scale, in his eyes a much nicer
and more general way to describe pitches than the original meantone tuning,
which he found to be the best one: "Optimum est Temperamentum in chordarum
systemate, cum ex diapente quarta pars commatis ubique deciditur".
See also the page about Huygens' contemporary Quirinus van Blankenburg (1654-1739). Biographies of HuygensOn the webIn print
Publications of his work
Article on this website
Huygens |