March 1, 2020 | Ensemble SCALA
Concert Fokker organ | 2020-03-01, 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam
The Americans
Microtonal music has been in the spotlight on the other side of the Atlantic for quite some time. This can be deduced from the many initiatives that are being developed there in this musical field. However, the preferences for microtonal systems may differ per region. For example, composers on the west coast of the United States prefer to base their music on the exact overtones and composers on the east coast often use equal temperaments (the division of the octave into equal intervals). For this reason Ensemble SCALA will present a new program in 2020 around composers from North America who have focused on music with microtones. This also includes work that has never been played before in the concert series, such as a new composition by the American composer Julia Werntz. But also works that have been part of the repertoire of Ensemble SCALA for some time, including a static but exciting work Solar Neon by the well-known American/Dutch composer Ned McGowan and a cunning composition by the American Charles Corey, curator of the Harry Partch instruments. Nevertheless, attention will also be paid to composers who have earned their microtonal spurs in the 20th century (but wrote work in the 21st century). For example, there is a work on the program by microtonal composer Ezra Sims, -- furthermore... for clarinet and viola ánd the mesmerizing Aleph 2 by the famous composer Terry Riley. In this way Ensemble SCALA plays a cross section of the various microtonal music styles that can be found on the American continent.
You can order tickets at the box office of the Muziekgebouw. >>>
Sunday 1 March 2020, 11.00 hours | Small Hall, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Prices: € 13,50 Normal | € 11,00 Stadspas | € 11,00 CJP |
Ensemble SCALA
Raymond Honing, flute
Michel Marang, clarinet
Manuel Visser, viola
Stefan Gerritsen, guitar / 31-tone guitar
Anne Veinberg, Carrillo piano / keyboards
Ere Lievonen, Fokker organ
Glenn Liebaut, percussion
Ned McGowan - Solar Neon (2010)
Ezra Sims - -- furthermore... (2005)
Charles Corey (1984) - Folding I (2017)
Terry Riley - Aleph 2 (2012)
Julia Werntz - Scala Obscura (2019)
This concert is made possible by the support of: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Zabawas Foundation, Gemeente Amsterdam (district East), Stichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel and the Van den Berch van Heemstede Foundation.
Also the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (renovation Fokker organ), the SNS REAAL Fonds (renovation Fokker organ) and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors