March 25, 2018  |  Alexander Moosbrugger, Fokker organ & Ned McGowan, flutes

Concert Fokker organ | 2018-03-25, 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam

On adventure with Moosbrugger

The Austrian musician Alexander Moosbrugger (1972) is very versatile. Besides organist, harpsichordist and programmer, he is also known as a composer, in which he does not shy away from combinations of new and old music. His interest in 'hearing' as a compositional starting point has moved him to study philosophy in Vienna in addition to music. Still fascinated by this fact, Moosbrugger will take you on a listening adventure this morning. As a guest player on the unique Fokker organ he is accompanied musically in a few works by flutist / composer Ned McGowan, specialist on the contrabass flute.
On the program of this surprising concert are works by Moosbrugger himself, music from the historical repertoire of the 31-tone organ, a new composition by McGowan, and last but not least: old music. As an organist, Moosbrugger is actively engaged in solo performances of music by, among others, Johann Sebastian Bach, Nicolas de Grigny and in particular Dieterich Buxtehude, whose visionary music also sounds during this concert: an inspiring musical adventure with Alexander Moosbrugger.

You can order tickets at the box office of the Muziekgebouw.  >>>

Sunday 25 March 2018, 11.00 hours | Small Hall, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Prices: € 12,50 Normal | € 10,00 Stadspas | € 10,00 CJP |




Alexander Moosbrugger, Fokker organ

Ned McGowan, contrabass flute




Alexander Moosbrugger - arrangement of "restaurer qc." (2016) for Fokker organ / "Alignement" (2016), for four speakers

Ned McGowan - The Singing Wall (2016), arrangement for contrabass flute and Fokker organ

Girolamo Frescobaldi - "Toccata ottava" (1° libro, 1637)

Alejandro Moreno - "Invocación al Espiritu Santo" (2018) for Fokker organ    premiere

Ned McGowan - For Bob (2015), for flute and Fokker organ

Alexander Moosbrugger - "Jemand sagt >Bleib!<" (2008) - version for contrabass flute and Fokker organ


NB. The "Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria“ supports this concert.


This concert is made possible by the support of:  Prins Bernhard CultuurfondsAmsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Olga Heldring FoundationGemeente Amsterdam (district East) and Stichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel.

Also the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (renovation Fokker organ), the SNS REAAL Fonds (renovation Fokker organ) and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors