March 25, 2018 | Alexander Moosbrugger, Fokker organ & Ned McGowan, flutesConcert Fokker organ | 2018-03-25, 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, AmsterdamOn adventure with Moosbrugger The Austrian musician Alexander Moosbrugger (1972) is very versatile. Besides organist, harpsichordist and programmer, he is also known as a composer, in which he does not shy away from combinations of new and old music. His interest in 'hearing' as a compositional starting point has moved him to study philosophy in Vienna in addition to music. Still fascinated by this fact, Moosbrugger will take you on a listening adventure this morning. As a guest player on the unique Fokker organ he is accompanied musically in a few works by flutist / composer Ned McGowan, specialist on the contrabass flute. You can order tickets at the box office of the Muziekgebouw.
www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/6685/ >>> Sunday 25 March 2018, 11.00 hours | Small Hall, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Performers Alexander Moosbrugger, Fokker organ
Program Alexander Moosbrugger - arrangement of "restaurer qc." (2016) for Fokker organ / "Alignement" (2016), for four speakers
NB. The "Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria“ supports this concert.
SupportThis concert is made possible by the support of: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Olga Heldring Foundation, Gemeente Amsterdam (district East) and Stichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel. Also the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (renovation Fokker organ), the SNS REAAL Fonds (renovation Fokker organ) and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors