April 24, 2016  |  Susanne Kujala & Ere Lievonen, Fokker organ

Concert Fokker organ | 2016-04-24, 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam

4 feet, 4 hands

After the successful four-handed concert in 2014, the regular Fokker organist Ere Lievonen will be re-joined by Susanne Kujala, a German organist specialised in contemporary organ music. Susanne Kujala also happens to be a professional classical accordionist, and this combination gives her a unique capacity to also master the Fokker keyboard. Together they will perform new works written for them by Christina Oorebeek, Sebastian Dumitrescu and Lauri Supponen, and two older works for four feet and hands on the Fokker organ by Joachim Schneider and Sebastian Dumitrescu. Susanne Kujala will also perform a brand new solo piece on the Fokker organ by the Finnish composer Hannu Pohjannoro. Anyway, a colorful program in which the Fokker organ will be played by 4 hands the second time this century!


Tickets can be ordered at the box office of the Muziekgebouw.







www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/Concerten/4380/_   >>>

Sunday 24 April 2016, 11.00 hours | Small Hall, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
Prices: € 12,50 Normal | € 10,00 Stadspas | € 10,00 CJP
www.muziekgebouw.nl | www.huygens-fokker.org



Susanne Kujala , Fokker organ

Ere Lievonen , Fokker organ



Sebastian Dumitrescu (1989) - Fantasia (in the Joan temperament, 2014)

Hannu Pohjannoro (1963) - hajavaloa (2016)    premiere

Lauri Supponen (1988) - Spring scram (2014)   premiere

Christina Oorebeek (1944) - Speed Loops (2016)    premiere *)

                                      1. medium-slow

                                      2. shifting

Sebastian Dumitrescu (1989) - Lament for Scriabin (2015)

Joachim F.W. Schneider (1970) - Spans 'n' Spins (2013)


*) Made possible by the financial support of the Performing Arts Fund Netherlands



Hannu Pohjannoro about his new work 'hajavaloa'

hajavaloa (ambient light in Finnish) for Fokker-organ consists of microtonally tuned bunches of sounds and textures in continuous movement. The title refers to (northern) natural light, seen in our everyday surrounding in all of its shades and shadows, sometimes direct, sometimes scattered, endlessly changing. (Starting in 2015, the piece is mostly written in 2016. The duration of hajavaloa is approximately 9 to 10 minutes.)


This concert is made possible by the support of:

Stichting DioraphteAmsterdams Fonds voor de KunstVan den Berch van Heemstede StichtingStichting Fonds voor de Geld- en Effectenhandel. Our special thanks goes also to Bert Terpsta, who made this four-handed concert financially possible.

Also the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (renovation Fokker organ), the SNS REAAL Fonds (renovation Fokker organ) and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors