December 2, 2012 | Ensemble SCALAConcert Fokker organ | 2012-12-02, 11.00 hours | Small Hall - Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam31 Steps to Heaven Ensemble SCALA is performing a program with solely microtonal music for the third consecutive year in the Small Hall of the Muziekgebouw. A highlight of this concert is the premiere of a new work by the quirky Dutch composer Peter Adriaansz. His music can be characterized by slowly evolving soundscapes that take the listener to a higher level of experience. The concert '31 Steps to Heaven' ends with the eponymous work by composer René Samson, a light microtonal work that combines 12- and 31-tone lines which battle with each other.
Tickets can be reserved at the Muziekgebouw. The tickets include a drink after the concert in the Star Ferry restaurant of the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ.
www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/Concerten/2145/ >>> Sunday 2 december 2012, 11 .00 hours| Small Hall, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ Prices: € 14,00 Normal | € 11,00 Stadspas | € 11,00 CJP
Ensemble SCALA Raymond Honing, flute Michel Marang, clarinet Manuel Visser, viola Stefan Gerritsen, 31-tone guitar Masato Suzuki , keyboards Ere Lievonen, Fokker organ Glenn Liebaut , percussion
Program Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - Fantasia Chromatica Anton de Beer - Lullaby for years to come (uit Speelmuziek II) Luys de Narváez - Cancion del Emperador Alonso Mudarra - Fantasía Sander Germanus - Gallium J.P.Sweelinck - Facciam, cara mia File Gijsbrecht Royé - Rit René Samson - Thirty-One Steps to Heaven
SponsorsThis concert is made possible by the support of: the Fonds Podiumkunsten, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, the SNS REAAL Fonds and the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. Show our sponsors
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